Collaboration with Alpo Nummelin

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Kuinka triangelia soitetaan / How to play triangle

collaboration with Alpo Nummelin
2011- 2012

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Rumpalit / Drummers
collaboration with Alpo Nummelin

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The work studies the aesthetics of the non- cognitive motions in the face of a drummer. Movement of the small muscles in the face reflect the communication between different parts of the brain. One can interpret series of contradictory emotions from the concentrated face. The video consist of Finnish drummers in rehearsal situations and a commentary of the process of concentration.

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The World is a dog on my leash2010


10.59 min

We have a weird desire to control things around us. Unfortunately these attempts to control do not always produce desired results. This video-performance is a view to a city where a person tries to pull objects that are too heavy to move.

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Nearest and the Dearest?


5.1 Sound-installation (detail)4 views to rooms in a apartment made out of cardboard. All rooms have embedded speaker. Sounds from the speakers reveal the unwanted noises heard from next door.

Saippua / Soap



5.56minWhen we move to or from a place it is common that we clean the place. We try to neutralize all old traces and make room for the new ones. Cleaning is sort of a transition ritual for arriving and departure. In the video person tries to clean the floor with a soap and water. Attempt to clean turn in to a play where the cleaner tries to make slippery slide on to the floor.

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Kamalan tylsää / Awfully boring



video, sound, bucket, lamp leg, paint, string, speakers